Talleres Muñoz: A Celebration of Innovation and Collaboration

The early April event marked a milestone for Talleres Muñoz, bringing together clients, suppliers, and industry professionals.

The mayor of L'Hospitalet, Núria Marín, inaugurated the expansion of the workshop, highlighting its work history and effective methodology. The mayor has encouraged the Muñoz brothers to continue the "dream" of their father, Rafael Muñoz, who in 1987 started the mechanical and body and paint workshop in the city.

Jordi Ortega from CertifiedFirst praised the evolution of the workshop: “It was the first workshop I visited when I assumed the responsibility of leading the network. And his methodology has been work, work and work, but with method. This has led them to where they are through entrepreneurial management, a team that generates trust, trained, committed and motivated, and a successful choice of partners: Exclusives Tot Color as distributors, PPG and CertifiedFirst.”

Juan Navarro from PPG EMEA shared his triple satisfaction with the relationship with the Muñoz family and the progress of the workshop: “It is not easy, after a legacy of seriousness, responsibility and commitment from the founder, to carry out an evolution like this, but Talleres Muñoz did achieve this goal built on four pillars: Quality, innovation, customer satisfaction and sustainability,

The Muñoz brothers paid tribute to their parents and shared the workshop’s journey. Since its opening in 1987, the workshop has grown significantly, focusing on an efficient and customer-centric approach. With expansions in 2005 (500m²) and the current one (1,800m²), they repaired 1,940 vehicles in 2023 and completed 160 hours of training.

In summary, the collaboration between PPG and Talleres Muñoz exemplifies how quality, innovation, and strong relationships lead to success and customer satisfaction.